Review – A Sentence A Day from Kikki K

9 days into the New Year and I wanted to share my experience with a mini journal I purchased from Kikki K called A Sentence A Day.img_1177

What is it?

This book is a mini journal with a different question daily and over 3 years you answer the same question on the same day. Perfect to see what has (or hasn’t) changed in a single glance.

What I love about it?

I love that it makes me stop and consider a question, just one, every day. There’s a small space so you aren’t expected to write a novel every day and I’m generally done within a minute or 2.

Is there anything I don’t like?

Not really. I have big handwriting, so sometimes I go over my 3 lines, but it’s honestly the only negative I have, that isn’t actually a negative. And really, it’s just a personal thing, most people have smaller handwriting then I do and it would be perfectly fine for them. Most days my answers fit with room to spare, other days I write more then what was probably intended.

So what are some of the questions? (I’ve picked the start, middle and end of the year as well as some dates meaningful to me)

January 1: what is one of your New Years resolutions?

February 2: What’s the best advice you’ve been given in the last 12 months?

March 24: What artist are you loving right now?

July 1: What is the last thing you created?

August 18: What music genre best represents your mood today?

September 22: When was the last time you laughed so hard it hurt?

December 25: One of the best memories of this year.

December 31: How are you going to make this next year your best year yet?

Is it worth it?

Heck yes! I love that I feel like it’s a guided Gratitude Journal. It makes me stop, think and reflect but I’m not pressured to find 3 things every day I’m grateful for without repeating myself constantly.

While I do also have a gratitude journal that asks for 3 things every entry/page, I’m planning on using that more sporadically when I’ve had a day thats filled my heart or something memorable has happened.

Where can you purchase it?

On the Kikki K Website.

Am I paid for this post?

I wish 😉 but I do love the product, so why not let people know. They may find as much value and joy in it as I do, so why keep it to myself?

What do you do to be mindful? Do you record your gratitude and take the time to enjoy the little things?

Christine xx

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