Week 6 ~ 52 Weeks of Gratitude

Week 6 ~ The City you live in.

This week is all about being grateful for the town you live in. This one is easy for me as the town I currently live in, is the town I’ve lived in my whole life. Many people have heard of Bundaberg even if they have never lived in Australia purely because of the things we are famous for.

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Week 5 ~ 52 Weeks of Gratitude

Week 5 ~ Something someone gave you.

This week is certainly a hard one to conquer (which is why it’s a day late) and to be honest, until I sat down and started to write, I’m wasn’t sure I had a clear winning answer for this, but what came immediately to mind was that for me, it’s not a physical item (even though I do love my Fitbit Blaze 😉 )time

I’ve come to the conclusion that the thing that I am most grateful for that someone has given me doesn’t come from a store, it wasn’t ever wrapped in pretty paper, it doesn’t add to the clutter that I’m currently trying to minimise from my house. What is this amazing gift? It is time. Time is such a precious resource, we all have the same amount, but we all spend it in different ways. Sometimes people are so busy that they just don’t have time to give, which is sad, but it is what it is.

Last year, I was that busy person, I had so much on my plate I couldn’t fit it all in, I was neglecting friends and family and not giving my full attention to anyone or anything because I was always thinking about the next thing on my never-ending to-do list.

Over the Christmas school holidays, I took a break from it all, no Facebook, no games on my phone, very limited distractions, and you know what I realised, time is so precious and I was wasting it – every single day.

So this week, I’m thankful to all of those people, who have given me their undivided attention and their time. The time to book me into their own schedules and have a coffee, a catch up, a walk. The time to connect or re-connect. Thank you!

In my effort to be more Intentional this year, I make a promise, to give a gift of time wherever possible. Because at the end of the day, the time you give or have received will last much longer then anything they can unwrap.

Christine xx

To see previous posts from the Gratitude Challenge, click the links below:

  • Week 1 ~ Why start this challenge?
  • Week 2 ~ Spouse/Significant Other
  • Week 3 ~ Family
  • Week 4 ~ A Family Member
  • Week 5 ~ Something someone gave you (This one)